sånt som får mig att gråta

harry potter vs

jag börjar bli besatt

Men jag bara måste ha dessa!

hahaha harry potter-fans har så jävla störd humor

haha åh

"I've got a really good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel it's... it's the place to be tonight. Do you know what I mean?"

i could spend hours searching for funny harry potter pictures

harry potter pick up lines

"I don’t have any muggle money, but I do have a sickle and two knuts"

"Are you using the Confundus charm or are you just naturally mind blowing?"

"I must have had some Felix Felicis, because I think I’m about to get lucky"

"I may not be Mad-Eye Moody, but i do have a mad eye for you"

"The Sorting Hat has spoken and it says I belong with you"

"Are you a dementor? Because you just took my breath away"

Alltså dör, haha

som sagt min humor

gshajfoimornpg = garvar så hårt att jag får ont i magen och ramlar ner på golvet


btw, hahaha

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